Monday, May 9, 2011

All moms want peace on Earth...

My first Mother's Day left me quite spoiled :) Chris and Amelia set the bar pretty high for themselves this year.

I love my little family.

After about 6:30am, I woke up to this beside me (excuse the picture quality - my camera's been broken and has yet to be replaced and no, I didn't use Hli for her photography):
(She normally sleeps in her crib and then gets moved to our bed at like 6am if she's fussy - and yes, she's not in pj's - was dead asleep by the time we got home on Saturday night and I didn't want to wake her so she slept in what she was in all day :P )

And then this greeted me by my little kitchen:

And since Amelia was still sleeping on our bed, this was waiting for me on our dinner table (not going to count those calories):

& Chris even printed this picture (I've wanted it printed for awhile) and got me flowers:

and after church, Chris picked up Chipotle (yay!) for lunch, took me on a mini shopping spree (sans Amelia - Thanks Hli for babysitting!) and a movie (we opted to see Thor - and yes, I actually picked to see it over Something Borrowed) and then had fish tacos for dinner while we watched Amelia play when we got home.

Life is good.

I hope you moms (new & experienced) had an amazing day.

& of course, Mom... I love you. You taught me how to be kind and how to love other people regardless of who they are. & you taught me that this is what it is to know the heart of God. If I ever become 1/10 of the kind of mom you are, I know I would have done well.

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