Thursday, May 12, 2011

WebMD'er, Anyone?

So tell me I'm not the only one.

Whenever I have something "wrong" with me, I go to the nifty "Symptom Checker tab" on WebMD and end up freaking myself out. Chris makes fun of me for it. We'll be laying in bed after Amelia's gone down for the night and I'll sit on his phone WebMD'ing my symptoms while he's trying to sleep.

So far this month, according to WebMD, I've been diagnosed with multiple diseases and disorders such as a dangerous form of Arthritis, brain aneurysm, herniated discs, hernias, Lyme's Disease, just to name a few.

Maybe I should add Hypochondria to it as well? ... or I should just lay off the WebMD.


  1. I stay far far away from there.

  2. Hehe - I don't do that.

    But just so the geekdom is complete:

    If you don't have a good search term, try: "Fucoidan".

    Hypochondria for sure :-P
