Thursday, May 19, 2011


So here we are.

My poor little baybays caught a slight cold - she had a runny nose yesterday and now its just a plugged up nose with watery eyes. She hasn't run a fever though and she is still her chipper self... unless you shove that suction bulb up her nose. My little Amelia Joy...

Betcha wondering how my menu did last week, huh? Well, even if you weren't, I'll tell ya anyways. I accomplished 4 of the 5 days. Monday ended up a bust and I switched the salmon dinner with corn chowder which was a winner in our kitchen :) We definitely liked the roasted vegetables and the stuffed chicken was pretty good and will be a repeat. The polenta and chicken scallopine was a bust :( but the cauliflower puree will definitely be a repeat for us :) This week hasn't been very successful, mostly due to the fact that my fridge is pretty much empty at this point, but we're out of town this weekend so all's well. We'll start again next week.

We are taking a mini-trip tonight through Sunday to my in-laws up in Orcutt/Pismo/Lompoc :) I'm excited to get away from SoCal for a weekend. Yayay Central Coast!

More bit o' news - We're heading to MN at the end of June! Yay! For me, its a huge deal. I haven't breathed MN air since early December and my siblings are anxiously awaiting their chance to meet Miss Amelia. I also miss my kiddies and have yet to meet Miss Elyana! Whenever I'm on the phone with them, they always tell me how much they miss me still. How can you NOT love these little faces?


  1. Your kiddos are so cute, I bet they miss you terribly.

  2. yes we are def waiting the arrival of miss amelia. :)

  3. Hoorah! My favored interested dish won a repeat!
